Registration for fall 2016 semester begins next week

The next two weeks will be busy ones at Tusculum College as registration for the 2016 fall semester will begin for students in the traditional academic program.

Registration for rising and continuing juniors and seniors will be March 21 through 24. Registration will be open for continuing  freshmen and rising and continuing sophomores will be March 28 through April 1.

Students have been encouraged to visit various offices such as the Financial Aid, Business, the Registrar and Student Affairs to ensure the are ready to begin the registration process. A registration orientation event was held in February to allow students to finish this process.

In registering, students are to follow a set of steps. First,they are to make an appointment to meet with their academic adviser to discuss their schedule and the courses needed to continue on the path towards earning their degree. While it is important for students to regularly meet with their academic adviser, it is crucial for students to meet with their adviser in preparing their schedule for the fall as the College will be implementing a new schedule formatthat allows students to personalize and customize their schedules to a greater extent than in the current format.

Students then fill out a fall 2016 registration form and then visit the Business Office and Financial Aid (if their status was not cleared during the pre-registration visit).

Once that is completed, students submit their form to the Registrar’s Office.

For students living on campus, submitting their registration form enables them to complete the Housing Selection process.  Juniors and seniors will have housing placement preference as they will be able to complete the process a week ahead of the underclassmen. Students complete the process by submitting Housing Selection forms along with signed Housing License Agreements to Student Affairs. Students are able on these forms to indicate preference of residence hall on campus and indicate their preference for roommate(s).

However, after April 1, incoming students placements will begin, and current students who have not completed registration by the beginning of April will have their placements made as they are received.