Explatory Task Force formed to research options to restart local community theater

A second meeting of community members, interested in forming a local theatre group, met on Saturday, May 3, at Tusculum College.

Facilitated by Arts Outreach artist-in-residence Marilyn duBrisk, and assisted by Arts Outreach assistant director Brian Ricker, the group examined the visions and options discussed at the first meeting on April 6, and concluded that there was enough local support and interest to move forward.

Everyone present enthusiastically selected an Exploratory Task Force charged with reviewing and researching options and queries agreed upon by those present, and will report back to the group with their recommendations.

The task force of seven are; Margo Olmsted, Stuart Hoeke, Paige Mengel, Laura Dupler, Sandy Nienaber, Judi Austin and Bill Regan.

“It is obvious that the talent and expertise is present within this creative group,” duBrisk said, “all of us at Arts Outreach are thrilled by the response and are ready to help wherever we can.”

The next meeting will be scheduled by the Exploratory Task Force.