Page 21 - Tusculum University Style Guide
P. 21
Version: September 17, 2019 Version: September 17, 2019
TUSCULUM UNIVERSITY SEAL Tusculum University Athletics Identity Guidelines
Tusculum University Identity Guidelines
Any color variations other than the following must be approved by the Athletic Communications Office. These color
variations apply regardless of the words between the bars. The Athletic Communications Office will need to approve
any new variations of the words in the bar outside of the version created for each sport.
All requests and approvals for athletic materials will be handled by the Athletic Communications Office.
165C, black background, and white
The Tusculum University seal is only to be used by the Board of Trustees, the Office of the President, Campus Safety
and Academic Affairs. Requests for other uses will be considered by the Office of Marketing. Please note, these
requests may need additional Board of Trustees, Presidential or VPAA approvals, which can take time to obtain.
Be sure to submit your request within a time frame that allows for these approvals to be communicated. Trademark
165C, 70 percent black background, and white
Official Seal with Official Seal with Official Seal with Official Seal with
Pantone 165C Pantone 165C reduced light reduced light rays 165C, 30 percent black background, and white
reduced light rays for use on reversed. This file will
rays for use on small items, or only be sent to vendors
small items, or for embossing or and is only for specific
for embossing or embroidery applications where the
embroidery reverse is needed for
The seal is not to be
produced in white.
Black, 165C background, and white