Tusculum College names Dr. Lisa Johnson associate vice president for student success

Dr. Lisa Johnson has been named associate vice president for student success at Tusculum College. While not a new position, the title change is part of an organizational restructuring around college goals. She will continue with her current responsibilities which include the office of the registrar, academic advising, and the Academic Resource Center.

Dr. Johnson previously served as assistant vice president for academic affairs, director of the School of Education and as assistant professor of education.

She will report to Dr. Ron May, interim vice president of academic affairs.

Dr. Lisa Johnson

“I look forward to working with the faculty, staff, leadership team and students as we pursue a variety of avenues to build and foster a sense of community that ensures the success of our students. The Board of Trustees and the administration of Tusculum College has shown long-term commitment to this effort, and it’s exciting to dive in and get to work on the projects we have in front of us,”  said Johnson.

In her new role she will serve as chair of the Retention Committee, develop and implement a comprehensive retention plan for all students, collaborate with the academic deans to establish Tusculum College as a transfer friendly institution, partner with faculty to foster engagement with students in activities both inside and outside the classroom, collaborate with core student success team to identify barriers to student success and develop an evaluation model to determine effectiveness as well as data to guide improved services.

“Dr. Johnson has contributed to the success of Tusculum College for many years in the various academic leadership and administrative roles she has held,” said Tusculum President Nancy B. Moody. “With her leadership in this new position, we are reinforcing our commitment to student success and retention.

“Having her skill sets dedicated to this endeavor will be to the benefit to our students, as she leads all the staff and faculty that have a role to play in this regard.”

Dr. Johnson, in her previous role, has led the efforts to institute Orange Rush week, a series of events on the Tusculum campus to encourage engagement among new students joining Tusculum as freshmen or as transfer students. Orange Rush activities began on Friday.

Dr. Johnson, who holds a Bachelor of Science degree in special education from East Tennessee State University, also earned her master’s degree and doctorate of education, both in educational leadership and policy analysis, from ETSU.

Dr. Johnson also currently serves as a program evaluator for the Tennessee Board of Examiners.