GREENEVILLE – The Summer Academy at Tusculum University added a younger vibe with a recent visit from elementary school students participating a program provided by Greeneville City Schools.

A student in the Upward Bound and Upward Bound Math and Science Summer Academy, right, assists one of the students from Greeneville City Schools.

A boy works on his volleyball skills with students participating in the Upward Bound and Upward Bound Math and Science Summer Academy.
During the fourth week of the five-week academy for high school students in Upward Bound and Upward Bound Math and Science, rising students for kindergarten through second grade visited campus one day, followed two days later by those rising to third grade through fifth grade. The students attended the same classes as high school students from the Upward Bound Math and Science program. The older students also taught the younger ones some of the skills needed to play volleyball.
In addition, the younger students enjoyed a scavenger hunt in the Thomas J. Garland Library, the cafeteria and the Tusculum Campus Store. They were also able to tour one of the residence halls and then use chalk outside to draw how they envisioned their room would look when they went to college or show their artistic creativity in other ways.
“Our students and staff are enjoying themselves immensely this year at the Summer Academy,” said Dr. David Smith, director of TRIO programs at Tusculum. “Having these younger students join us has enhanced the experience by giving them the opportunity to meet and connect with the high school students and the college students serving on the summer staff. We loved having them on campus to better understand a college campus and higher-level learning environment.”
Stacey McGill, associate director of Upward Bound Math and Science, said the visit was a field trip for the younger students. This is the third year the elementary school students have come during the Summer Academy and resulted from a conversation between her and Cathy Duncan, co-director of the Summer Learning Camp with Greeneville City Schools.

Teacher Jamey Anderson, left, teaches students from Greeneville City Schools.

Boys and girls from the Greeneville City Schools camp demonstrate their sidewalk chalk artistry.
The purpose of the Summer Academy is to give the high school students a collegiate experience, but this arrangement with Greeneville City Schools enables the elementary school students to have a taste of it as well. This year, the two organizations incorporated the scavenger hunt so the elementary school students could see more of the campus as well as the residence hall visit. During their time on the Tusculum campus, the elementary school students had an opportunity to meet with university staff members.
Bringing the younger students to campus enabled the high school students to serve as mentors, McGill said.
The summer camp for Greeneville City Schools, which was held this year at Hal Henard Elementary School, takes place four days a week. Students work on their academic skills for reading, English Language Arts and mathematics. Teachers also work with some of the students to meet requirements to advance to fourth grade, and students are able to visit a book bus that comes to the school once a week.
“We offer all of the activities that they would have during the regular school year but at a more leisurely pace,” Duncan said. “That keeps the students focused and their learning current and ensures they stay on a regular routine. Basically, we’re working on the same skills they develop during the academic year in a regular classroom, but we’re moving above and beyond to continue their learning for the summer.”
Duncan described the visit to Tusculum as a wonderful experience.
“Lots of our kids don’t have the opportunity, even with us living in Greeneville, to come to a college campus and see what goes on,” she said. “Through this visit, they get to interact with some of the college students. Stacy and her Upward Bound Math and Science students have been great about interacting with our kids and making them have a wonderful learning experience. It’s going to stimulate a whole lot of interest in things they might want to explore further. They were very enriched by the time they left campus.”
To learn more about Upward Bound and Upward Bound Math and Science, please visit and, respectively. More information about the university is available at Further details about Greeneville City Schools are available at