Native Peruvian archaeologist to discuss ancient civilizations in the Andes during a presentation at Tusculum University

Dr. Angela Keaton to discuss stereotypes and myths of Appalachia during Cicero lecture at Tusculum University

Strings of Green bluegrass band to perform free concert at Tusculum University’s Annie Hogan Byrd Fine Arts Center

Tusculum University Community Band to hold pops concert in the Marilyn duBrisk Theatre on campus

Day honoring TRIO programs provided an opportunity to reflect on the way the ones at Tusculum University make a positive difference for students

Tusculum holding Preview Day to highlight the university’s offerings to traditional undergraduate students

Dr. David Gonzalez, Tusculum’s director of bands, to perform recital, show capabilities of the tuba that are not well-known

Community and Tusculum University family invited to celebrate the writing, speeches and music of African Americans at event

Tusculum Youth Actors Studio SHOWCASE, featuring more than 30 actors, to be held this weekend in the Behan Arena Theatre