Five 10-minute plays by four Tusculum College students and a professor, “5 x 10,” will open Friday, April 19, in the Behan Arena Theatre on campus.
The plays will be performed beginning at 7 p.m. on Fridays, April 19 and 26, and on Saturdays, April 20 and 27. Sunday matinees will be at 2 p.m. on April 21 and 28. All performances will be in the Behan Arena Theatre on the lower level (side entrance) of the Annie Hogan Byrd Fine Arts Building on campus. The play presentation is part of Tusculum College Arts Outreach’s Acts, Arts, Academia performance and lecture series and the April 19-21 performances are part of the Old Oak Festival on campus.
The 10-minute play format is intended to encompass all the facets of a full-length drama despite the concentrated time frame.
A variety of genres from drama to comedy to murder mystery are represented in the plays. Four of the plays were written by Tusculum students and are directed by Wayne Thomas, associate professor of English and chair of the Fine Arts Department. The fifth play was written by Thomas and is directed by Frank Mengel, technical director for Arts Outreach and instructor of theater.
The five plays include:
- “If It Looks Like a Duck” by Sara Hendry with actors Codie Fleming and Britany Menken, Baltimore Spivery Joe Borden and Jeff Roberts;
- “Accented” by Austen Herron with actors Austen Herron and Justin Reed;
- “Gone Cold” by J. Phillip Reed with actors Sara Hendry, Paige Mengel and Carnes White;
- “Sacred Feet” by Ben Sneyd with actors Lulu McGeorge, DeAundra Bowker and Carnes White, and
- “Shovel” by Wayne Thomas with actors Allison Harris and Danielle Threet.
Admission is $6. For more information, please call Arts Outreach at 423-798-1620.

Student cast members and writers of “5 x 10” are preparing for the performance of the five, 10-minute plays to be presented at the Behan Arena Theatre on the Tusculum College campus April 19-21 and 26-28. From left are, front row, Joe Borden, Baltimore Spivery and Codie Fleming; second row, from left, Billie Jennings, Carnes White and Britany Menken; third row, Jeff Roberts, Lulu McGeorge, and DeAundra Bowker, and back row, from left, Justin Reed, Austen Herron, Sara Hendry, Paige Mengel, Ben Sneyd, Allison Harris and Danielle Threet.