First Children’s Story Hour at Garland Library is a success

Thirty parents and children turned out at Tusculum College’s Thomas J. Garland Library in November for the first “Children’s Story Hour,” held on the Greeneville campus.

The event, held for all Tusculum College staff and faculty family members ages eight and under, was coordinated by the library staff and supported by volunteers from the Bonner Leader organization.readingkids1

In addition to exciting stories, the library guests were also treated to craft activities and refreshments.

“We were very excited about the turnout,” said Kathy Hipps, information literacy librarian and assistant cataloger. Hipps also thanked the two Bonner Leader volunteers who served as readers, Scott Lucky, a senior from Orangevale, Calif., and Mara Rutherford, a sophomore from Morristown.

According to Hipps, the event went so well, a second “Children’s Story Hour” is now on the schedule. The next event will be held on Thursday, February 11, at 6 p.m.

For more information, contact Hipps at or at Ext. 5123.