Rag rug workshop set for Doak House Museum on May 6

The Doak House Museum will be hosting workshops in rag-rug making workshop on Saturday, May 6, from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

“This is an opportunity to learn three easy techniques for making rag rugs from old t-shirts and woven fabric,” said Dollie Boyd, director of museums for Tusculum. “Rag-rugging is a great beginning project for young people and adults who are new to crafting.”

Participants will learn how to make “toothbrush” rugs, hoop rugs, and a style of shag rug. The fee for the workshop is $10, and participants are asked to bring t-shirts, old sheets or fabric remnants to upcycle. All other needed tools will be provided.

The workshop is recommended for ages 12 and up. Space for each workshop is limited, Contact Boyd at 423-636-8554 or dboyd@tusculum.edu to reserve a spot.

Participants make rag rugs during last year’s rag rug workshop at the Doak House Museum