GREENEVILLE – Prospective college students who want to study with professors who will mentor them and work one-on-one with them in a caring Christian environment are invited to attend one of three open houses this fall at Tusculum University.

Maria Torres shows her pride when she chose Tusculum University for college.

Micah Threatt shows one of the care packages he helped put together during Pioneer WOW as part of Freshman Day of Service.
The Office of Admission will hold the events on Saturdays – Sept. 28, Oct. 26 and Nov. 16 – beginning in the Scott M. Niswonger Commons. Students and their families will develop a feel for Tusculum through a variety of informative sessions and also experience the beauty of the Greeneville campus through a tour.
The open houses begin at 9:30 a.m. and conclude at noon, followed by lunch in the Tusculum cafeteria.
“We welcome the opportunity to show why Tusculum would be an excellent fit academically, socially and spiritually,” said Paul Carney, the university’s vice president of enrollment management and financial aid. “Tusculum is an exceptional university, providing hands-on learning experiences that supplement what students learn in the classroom to prepare them to be career-ready professionals. Students also have a lot of fun in their free time and have abundant opportunities to grow in their faith.”
During the open houses, attendees will receive a welcome from Dr. Scott Hummel, Tusculum’s president. Prospective students will then attend sessions about student life and preparation for their academic college career.
Parents will participate in sessions about financial aid, admission, academics and student affairs. They will also learn about Student Support Services, a free program designed to assist Pioneers whose parents or guardians do not have a college degree or who come from low-income households.
Tusculum offers 60 different academic programs, including majors, minors and certificates in liberal arts and pre-professional programs. Students learn from expert professors and have the opportunity to participate in internships and research. The research includes examining potential new medications to fight cancer and other subjects in multiple academic fields.

Left to right, Isabella Clawson, Tania Roque Castro and Hailey Diana enjoy a float during Pioneer WOW.

Jakob Svendsen, right, and Adrienne O’Brien complete coursework in one of the chemistry labs.
In addition, students can explore their side interests by participating in extracurricular activities such as the Gaming Club, the Student Government Association, the Conservation Core and the Bonner Leader Program. Students can also enrich their lives spiritually through chapel sessions and groups such as Breaking Bread and Fellowship of Student Athletes.
“Through their holistic Tusculum experience, students discern their calling and their purpose,” Dr. Hummel said. “We are there every step of the way to help students expand their knowledge and become even better citizens who will make their mark on the communities where they live and work. A Tusculum education is affordable and provides tremendous value.”
To register for one of the open houses, please visit Students can apply to Tusculum at More information about the university is available at