Learn more about how you can help fight proposed cuts to federal student aid

As many of you know, the federal government has been attempting to lower the national debt, and federal student aid for higher education has been a prime target. Already $30 billion in aid has been lost.

The student loan programs have been particularly hard hit, and even low-income students are seeing a sharp decline in the terms and conditions of their loans. Now the “Super Committee” (Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction), tasked with developing a federal debt reduction plan by November 23, is looking at the possibility of additional student aid cuts.

To fight these cuts, the National Student Aid Alliance has launched the Save Student Aid campaign. By signing their statement of support you are expressing the opinion that for our country’s short- and long-term economic health, student aid funding must be preserved. This is a simple and easy step to make your voice heard and help make an effort to Save Student Aid.

The Student Aid Alliance, a coalition of the Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities and 61 other higher education associations, is sending a petition to Capitol Hill to save Pell Grants and other student aid. If you are inclined to sign the petition, you may find it at http://action.studentaidalliance.org/5371/save-student-aid-statement-support/?src=NAICU.  You are also encouraged to contact your local representatives about the issue.