● BUSN 320 Fraud in Organizations
In this course students explore various aspects of fraud prevention and detection, including the sociology of fraud, elements of fraud, types of fraud, costs of fraud, use of controls to prevent fraud, and methods of fraud detection. Students will apply the concepts and theories to relevant case studies. Prerequisite: None (4 Semester Hours)
CKFM023 10/27/12-12/8/12 or
CKFM025 2/23/13-3/30/13
● MGMT 456 Money and Banking
This course explores the vital role of money in business and the economy: what shapes its cost and availability, who decides monetary policy and how it is implemented, and the role of other institutions in making money accessible to businesses and consumers. This course will also examine how monetary policy is used to impact the health of the economy as a whole.
Prerequisite: MGMT 325—Economic Environment, MGMT332 or BUSN425 (4 Semester Hours)
CKFM022 10/6/12-11/10/12 or
CKFM026 12/1/12-1/26/13
● MGMT 458 Business Tax Planning
This course examines the impact of federal, state, and local taxes on specific types of business entities. Emphasis is on coverage of fundamental tax concepts from a business decision maker’s perspectives. (4 Semester Hours)
CKFM024 10/27/12-12/8/12 or
CKFM027 1/12/13-2/16/13
The Financial Management concentration is for students wanting to gain a good foundation in the topics of finance. These skills are useful in everyday personal decisions as well as the daily and planning functions of firms. Students interested in banking, insurance, establishing businesses, and management with a focus of learning more about the financial side of business, should be interested in the financial management concentration. Financial skills offer students great potential to gain many career rewards including both financial and greater opportunities.
Contact your academic advisor if you are interested in adding the above courses.