Stop by the Student Services Center to check on your account balance, pay for your classes or books, or to find out about fees and charges. Click here to pay online with a credit card.


We have accommodation services for those with disabilities. Click here for more information.


Whether you are a new student or need to replace a lost or damaged student ID card, Student Services can help you out.  ID cards for new students are free. Replacement cards are $10. Stop by the AOS Student Service Center at your campus location.


Student Support Services currently offers a variety of workshops, and we are always interested to hear about new ways that we can help. If there is something you and your classmates are struggling with, let us know. Here are topics that are currently being addressed in our workshops:

  • job readiness
  • study skills
  • graduate school readiness
  • stress reduction
  • McNair Scholarship
  • financial literacy

Please contact Shay Riggs if you have any suggestions