Online Studies Resources
- User ID: Tusculum username only
(leave out
- Password: Tusculum password
- Make sure to click on tabs that include Online Studies
(ex. 2018 Fall Term)
- If you cannot log in, please call 423-636-7300: ask for the helpdesk
- Things you can find/do on WebAdvisor:
- View schedule, grades, and transcripts
- View financial aid and billing information
- Syllabi will be posted one week before your class begins at
- Must know course # (MATH135, EDUC537, MGMT304) and section # (GWK30, BSK20, MEK40) – refer to your schedule on WebAdvisor for this information
- Go to Tusculum website and click on Bookstore (middle left of page)
- Under Course Adoption Information, click on GPS Book Information/Block Booklists
- Locate desired Block and year
For all information concerning drop/add, registration, appeals, or course descriptions please refer to the Tusculum University Catalog from the year you first registered.