DSST Exams are a way for students to earn 3 credit hours in a particular subject area.   Students must obtain approval from the Registrar’s Office (nthompson@tusculum.edu) before attempting the test.

Please view our DSST Packet for a complete overview of the DSST process including exam prices, available tests, procedures, etc.

There are many ways to study for a DSST exam.  For example, for each DSST exam, there is a FACT SHEET that outlines the topics covered by each exam and includes a list of sample questions and recommended book references.

You can download FACT SHEETS from www.getcollegecredit.com by clicking on the Student & Adult Learner box and following the link to Test Pre Materials: Fact Sheets. Individual Fact Sheets can be printed using Adobe Reader.

Official DSST Test Preparation Guides are available at the Tusculum University Bookstore and offer sample exam questions and an overview of material in the following accepted subject areas: Business Math, Ethics in America, Financial Accounting, Introduction to Business, Personal Finance, and Principles of Supervision.

Additional study guides for DSST and CLEP exams can be found at:
www.passbooks.com, www.passyourclass.com, www.istudysmart.com, and www.instantcert.com

Online Practice Tests containing 20-25 sample questions are available at www.getcollegecredit.com on the following subjects: Principles of Supervision, Introduction to Business, Personal Finance, Introduction to Computing, Money and Banking, Criminal Justice, Introduction to Law Enforcement, Lifespan Developmental, Fundamentals of Counseling, Drug and Alcohol Abuse, Here’s to your Health, Introduction to World Religions, Environment and Humanity, and Technical Writing. Price for each exam varies. There are 2 versions of each exam containing 50 multiple choice questions. A purchase entitles you to take one version of the practice exam two times.

Tusculum University does not accept credit for the following DSST exams: Principles of Finance, Human Resource Management, Organizational Behavior, and Business Law II.


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Students who take and successfully pass the Computer Literacy Test  will have met their computer literacy requirement for graduation.  This test is taken for the class “Computer as a Tool (CISC100).

CISC100-Computer as a Tool
This course provides a survey of computer applications, information needs in business, and microcomputers and information systems that meet these needs. Emphasis is on microcomputer hardware and software applications.

For test dates and more information please contact:


Knoxville:    Please contact Carol Hill (chill@tusculum.edu) to make up an exam from your instructor.  We encourage you to call before you come to make sure your instructor has left the exam.


To make arrangements for other types of exams, please contact us at 865-693-1177 or email Carol Hill (chill@tusculum.edu)

For additional testing information, contact:

Carol Hill
Knoxville Regional Center
1305 Centerpoint Blvd.
Knoxville, TN 37932
(865) 693-1177 ext. 5008

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