THE FOWLER DUGGER ’19 ’19 MEMORIAL ENDOWED CHAIR OF HUMANITIES was established in 1985 by his widow, Florence Cummings Dugger of Birmingham, Alabama. Income from the endowment will be used in support of the Fowler Dugger Chair. Wess duBrisk, Associate Professor of Mass Media, holds the Chair. duBrisk has served at Tusculum College since 1984. Mr. and Mrs. Dugger, both members of the class of 1919, were active members of the Independent Presbyterian Church of Birmingham.

THE JANET ANDERSON LUNSTEDT MEMORIAL ENDOWED PROFESSORSHIP OF HUMANITIES was established in 1991 through the estate of Carl A. Lunstedt, class of 1938, of Manchester, New Hampshire, as a tribute to his wife of 36 years. Earnings from the Lunstedt Endowed Professorship will be used in support of a distinguished professor in the humanities. Dr. Donal J. Sexton, Jr., Professor of History, has held the Janet Anderson Lunstedt Profes-sorship. Dr. Sexton retired this spring after 40 years of service.

THE HARRIET REAVES NEFF ’21 CHAIR OF FINE ARTS was established in 1991 by the Board of Trustees in recognition of the late Harriet Reaves Neff, class of 1921, of Greeneville, Tennessee. Mrs. Neff was a Life Trustee and Benefactor of the University. Income from the endowment will be used in support of the Neff Chair of Fine Arts. Marilyn duBrisk, Artist-in-Residence and Director of Arts Outreach, holds the Chair. duBrisk has served at Tusculum since 1991.